For links to selected papers see Gail Davoren on Research Gate
Legard MJ, Davoren GK (2025) A non-invasive method during routine handling indicates docility in a wild, crevice-nesting seabird. Behave 1-22.
Davoren GK, Maynard LD, Johnson KF, Carvalho PC, Gulka J, Jenkins E, Tripp A (2025) Aggregative responses of marine predators to a pulsed resource. J Anim Ecol 91(1), 69-84.
Faulkner C, Ittinuar S, Tartak C, L’Herault V, Harris L, Davoren GK, Yurkowski D (2024) Spatiotemporal variation in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) foraging ecology along western Hudson Bay, Nunavut, Canada. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 82, 1-13.
Runnells E, Montevecchi WA, Davoren GK (2024) Spatiotemporal and isotopic niche overlap among Atlantic puffins, razorbills, and
common murres during the non-breeding season in the Northwest Atlantic. Mar Ecol Prog Series 739, 241-256.
Davoren GK (2024) Variable forage fish biomass and phenology influence marine predator diet, foraging behaviour and species interactions in
coastal Newfoundland, Canada. ICES J Mar Sci 81: 629-642
Bliss LM, Zamon JE, Davoren GK, Hanson MB, Noren DP, Emmons C, Holt MM (2024) Habitat associations of marine predators in the northern
California Current during the low productivity downwelling season. Front Mar Sci 11: 1355439
Morrison S, Davoren GK (2024) Habitat characteristics and diel patterns of sand lance (Ammodytes spp) in coastal Newfoundland. Environ Biol
Fish 107: 443-457
Rieger G, Davoren GK (2024) Intra-annual shifts in Larus gull foraging behaviour at a multi-species seabird breeding colony in coastal
Newfoundland. Mar Ornith 52: 51-60
Tripp A, Murphy HM, Davoren GK (2024) Evidence for adaptive strategies in larval capelin on the northeastern coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
J Plankton Res 46: 126-140
Tripp A, Murphy HM, Penton PM, Davoren GK (2023) Trends in larval densities, spawning timing, and site quality of capelin (Mallotus villosus)
across bays and habitats in Newfoundland, Canada. ICES J Mar Sci fsad141
Lescure L, Gulka J, Davoren GK (2023) Increased foraging effort and reduced chick condition of razorbills under lower prey biomass in coastal
Newfoundland, Canada. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 709: 109-123
Pontbriand T, Davoren GK, Fortune SME, Pomeraleau C, Young B, Ferguson SH (2023) Differences in individual bowhead whale Balaena
mysticetus habitat use, foraging dive depth and diet during the peak feeding season. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 706: 109-123
Bliss LM, Dawe N, Carruthers EH, Murphy HM, Davoren GK (2023) Using fishers’ knowledge to determine the spatial extent of deep-water
spawning of capelin (Mallotus villosus) in Newfoundland, Canada. Front Mar Sci 9: 1061689
d’Entremont KJN, Davoren GK, Walsh CJ, Wilhelm SI, Montevecchi WA (2022) Intra- and inter-annual shifts in foraging tactics by parental
northern gannets in response to changing prey fields. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 698: 155-170
Patterson A, Gilchrist G, Benjaminsen S, Bolton M, Bonnet-Lebrun AS, Davoren GK, Descamps S, Erikstad KE, Frederiksen M, Gaston AJ, Gulka J,
Hentati-Sundberg J, Huffeldt NP, Johansen KL, Labansen AL, Linnebjerg JF, Love OP, Mallory ML, Merkel FR, Montevecchi WA, Mosbech A,
Olsson O, Owen E, Ratcliffe N, Regular PM, Reiertsen TK, Ropert-Coudert Y, Strøm H, Thórarinsson TL, Elliott KH (2022) Foraging range
scales with seabird colony size. Curr Biol 32: 3800-3807
Ronconi RA, Lieske DJ, McFarlane Tranquilla LA, Abbott S, Allard KA, Allen B, Black AL, Bolduc F, Davoren GK, Diamond AW, Fifield DA (2022)
Predicting seabird foraging habitat for conservation planning in Atlantic Canada: integrating telemetry and census data across thousands
of colonies. Front Mar Sci 9: 816794
Carvalho PC, Ronconi R, Bugoni L, Davoren GK (2022) Moult chronology and strategies of sympatric great and sooty shearwaters based on
stable isotope analysis. IBIS 164: 998-1012
Zhao S-T, Davoren GK, Matthews CJD, Ferguson SH, Watt CA (2022) Isotopic (δ15N and δ13C) profiles in dentine indicate within population
variability in resource use among individual narwhals (Monodon monoceros) and between sexes. Mar Mamm Sci 38: 1182-1199
d’Entremont KJN, Guzzwell LM, Wilhelm SI, Friesen VL, Davoren GK, Walsh CJ, Montevecchi WA (2021) Northern gannets (Morus bassanus)
breeding at their southern limit struggle with prey shortages as a result of warming waters. ICES J Mar Sci 71:50-60
Tripp A, Morrison S, Loeppky AR, Davoren GK (2022) Water strontium concentrations influence strontium concentrations in the pre-hatch
otolith region of capelin (Mallotus villosus). J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 547:151667.
Epp MV, Fournet ME, Silber GK, Davoren GK (2021) Allopatric humpback whales of differing generations share call types between foraging and
wintering grounds. Sci Reports 11:1-11.
Epp MV, Fournet ME, Davoren GK (2021) Humpback whale call repertoire on a northeastern Newfoundland foraging ground. Mar Mammal Sci.
Bliss LM, Davoren GK (2021) Novel observations of capelin (Mallotus villosus) spawning directly on a brown algae species (Desmarestia viridis)
in coastal Newfoundland. Can J Northw Atl Fish Sci 52: 29-37.
Irvine AL, Gulka JE, Davoren GK (2021) Hatching success of Common Murres Uriahs salve is linked to the number of neighbours and resource
availability. Mar Ornithol 49: 229-240.
Maynard L, Gulka J, Jenkins E, Davoren GK (2021) Different individual-level responses of great black-backed gulls (Larus marinus) to shifting
local prey availability. bioRxiv.
Johnson K, Davoren GK (2021) Stable isotope analysis reveals that humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) primarily consume capelin
(Mallotus villosus) in coastal Newfoundland, Canada. Can J Zool.
Zhao ST, Matthews CJ, Davoren GK, Ferguson SH, Watt CA (2021) Ontogenetic profiles of dentine isotopes reveal variable narwhal
Monodon Monoceros nursing duration. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 668: 163-175.
Jenkins E, Davoren GK (2021) Seabird species- and assemblage-level isotopic niche shifts associated with changing prey availability during
breeding in coastal Newfoundland. Ibis 163: 183-196.
Johnson KF, Davoren GK (2020) Distributional patterns of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) along the Newfoundland East Coast
reflect their main prey, capelin (Mallotus villosus). Mar Mammal Sci 37: 80-97.
Carvalho PC, Davoren GK (2020) Niche dynamics of sympatric non-breeding shearwaters under varying prey availability. Ibis 162:701-712.
Ogloff WR, Ferguson SH, Tallman RF, Davoren GK (2020) Diet of capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Eastern Canadian Arctic inferred
from stomach contents and stable isotopes. Polar Biol 43: 1273-1285.
Carvalho PC, Maynard LD, Davoren GK (2020) Responses of sympatric shearwaters to supplemental food under varying natural prey availability
on the wintering grounds of coastal Newfoundland, Canada. Mar Ornith 48: 255-262.
Gulka J, Jenkins E, Maynard LD, Montevecchi WA, Regular PM, Davoren GK (2020) Inter-colony foraging dynamics and breeding success relate
to prey availability in a pursuit-diving seabird. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 651: 183-198.
Jenkins E, Gulka J, Yurkowski DJ, Le Francois NR, Wong E, Davoren GK (2020) Isotopic discrimination (d15N, & d13C) in captive and wild
Common Murres (Uria aalge) and Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica). Physiol Biochem Zool 93: 296-309.
Maynard LD, Davoren GK (2020) Inter-colony and interspecific differences in the isotopic niche of two sympatric gull species in Newfoundland. Mar Ornith 48: 103-109
Tripp A, Murphy, HM, Davoren GK (2020) Otolith chemistry reveals natal region of larval capelin in coastal Newfoundland, Canada. Front Mar
Sci 258: 1-11.
Berard MT, Davoren GK (2020) Capelin (Mallotus villosus) availability influences the inshore summer diet of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in
coastal Newfoundland. Environ Biol Fish 1-12.
Maynard LD, Paloma CC, Davoren GK (2019) Seabirds vary responses to supplemental food under dynamic natural prey availability and feeding aggregation composition. The Auk 137.1
Scharffenberg K, Whalen D, Marcoux M, Iacozza J, Davoren GK, Loseto Lisa (2019) Environmental drivers of beluga whale
(Delphinapterus leucas) habitat use in the Mackenzie Estuary. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 626: 209-226
Ogloff WR, Yurkowski DJ, Davoren GK, Ferguson, SH (2019) Diet and isotopic niche overlap elucidate competition potential between
seasonally sympatric phocids in the Canadian Arctic. Mar Biol 166: 103.
Carvalho PC, Davoren GK (2019) Associations of non-breeding shearwater species on the northeastern Newfoundland coast. Mar Ecol
Prog Ser 627:1-12.
Gulka J, Ronconi RA, Davoren GK (2019). Spatial segregation contrasting dietary overlap: niche partitioning of two sympatric alcids
during shifting resource availability. Mar Biol 166:155
Gulka J, Davoren GK (2019) High individual flexibility in the foraging behavior of a marine predator, the common murre. Mar Biol 166:83
Magnaye M, Rideout R, Davoren GK (2019) Irregular growth patterns in the otoliths of a short-lived forage fish do not reliably indicate
reproductive history. Fish Res 218: 120-126
Buren AD, Murphy HM, Adamack AT, Davoren GK, Koen-Alonso M, Montevecchi WA, Pepin P, Regular P, Robert D, Rose GA, Stenson G,
Varkey D (2019) The collapse and continued low productivity of a keystone forage fish species. Mar Ecol Prog Ser
Maynard L, Davoren GK (2018) Sea ice influences habitat type use by great black-backed gulls (Larus marinus) in coastal
Newfoundland. Waterbirds 41: 449-457
Bone B, Davoren GK (2018) Egg cannibalism by capelin Mallotus villosus at beach and deep-water spawning habitats in the Northwest
Atlantic. J Fish Biol 93: 641-648
Loeppky AR, Davoren GK (2018) Temperature and salinity influence the chemistry in the pre-hatch otolith region of capelin, Mallotus villosus, during lab and field egg incubation experiments. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 501: 65-73.
Loeppky AR, Purchase CF, Davoren GK (2018) Chemical signatures in embryonic otoliths of capelin, Mallotus villosus: Influence of
family and environmental conditions. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 498: 25-31.
Gulka, J, Carvalho PC, Jenkins E , Johnson K, Maynard L, and Davoren GK (2017) Dietary niche shifts of multiple marine predators under
varying prey availability on the Northeast Newfoundland coast. Front. Mar. Sci. 4:324 doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00324
McNicholl DG, Davoren GK, Majewski AT, Reist JD (2017) Isotopic niche metrics and effect of lipid extraction on stable isotope
signatures of co-occuring capelin (Mallotus villosus) and Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida). Polar Biol doi: 10.1007/s00300-017-2199-8
Olynyk A, Davoren GK, Hann B (2017) Dietary niche overlap between two zooplanktivores in Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba: Rainbow Smelt
(Osmerus mordax) and Cisco (Coregonus artedi). J Great Lakes Res
Crook K, Maxner E, Davoren GK (2017) Temperature-based spawning habitat selection by capelin (Mallotus villosus) in Newfoundland.
ICES J Mar Sci doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx023
Crook K, Davoren GK (2016) Influence of spawning capelin (Mallotus villosus) on the density and distribution of green sea urchins
(Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) on the northeast Newfoundland coast. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 549:125-135
Maxner E, Halden NM, Roth JD, Davoren GK (2016) Intrinsic factors influence the timing of arrival of capelin (Mallotus villosus) to
spawning grounds in coastal Newfoundland. Fish Res 179: 202-212
McNicholl DG, Walkusz W, Davoren GK, Reist JD (2015) Dietary characteristics of sympatric Arctic Cod and Capelin in the Canadian
Arctic, Darnley Bay. Polar Biol doi:10.1007/s00300-015-1834-5
Sheppard K, Davoren GK, Hann B (2015) Diet of walleye and sauger and morphological characteristics of their prey in Lake Winnipeg.
J. Great Lakes Res 41: 907-915
Bairos-Novak K, Crook K, Davoren GK (2015) Relative importance of local enhancement as a search strategy for breeding seabirds: an
experimental approach. Anim Behav 106: 71-78
Davoren GK, Woloschiniwsky C, Halden NM, Wang F (2015) Can otolith chemistry indicate natal habitat of capelin Mallotus villosus? J
Exp Mar Biol Ecol 464: 88-95
Davoren GK, Halden NM (2014) Connectivity of capelin (Mallotus villosus) between regions and spawning habitats in Newfoundland
inferred from otolith chemistry. Fish Res 159: 95-104
Penton P, McFarlane C, Spice EK, Docker M, Davoren GK (2014) Lack of genetic divergence in capelin (Mallotus villosus - Osmeridae)
spawning at beach versus subtidal habitats in coastal embayments of Newfoundland. Can J Zool 92: 377–382
Crook K, Davoren GK (2014) Underwater foraging behaviour of common murres on capelin: influences of prey density and
antipredator behaviour. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 501: 279–290
Davoren GK (2013) Distribution of marine predator hotspots explained by persistent areas of prey. Marine Biology 160: 3043–3058
Elliott KH, Ricklefs RE, Gaston AJ, Hatch SA, Speakman JR, Davoren GK (2013) High flight costs, but low dive costs, in auks support the
biomechanical hypothesis for flightlessness in penguins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110: 9380-9384
Harter BB, Elliott KH, Divoky GJ, Gaston AJ, Davoren GK (2013) Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) a prey: fish length-energetics
relationships in Beaufort Sea and Hudson Bay. Arctic 66: 191-196
Penton P, Davoren GK (2013) Capelin (Mallotus villosus) fecundity in post-1990s coastal Newfoundland. Marine Biology 160: 1625-
Penton P, Davoren GK (2013) A common garden experiment on capelin (Mallotus villosus) early life history stages to examine use of
beach and deep-water spawning habitats. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 439: 54–60
Davoren GK (2013) Divergent use of spawning habitat by male capelin (Mallotus villosus) in a warm and cold year. Behavioural
Ecology 24: 152-161
Montevecchi WA, Hedd A, McFarlane Tranquilla L, Fifield DA, Burke CM, Regular PM, Davoren GK, Garthe S, Gaston AJ, Robertson GJ,
Phillips RA (2012) Tracking seabirds to identify ecologically important and high risk marine areas. Biological Conservation 156: 62-
Davoren GK, Penton P, Burke C, Montevecchi WA (2012) Water temperature and timing of capelin spawning determine seabird diets.
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69: 1234-1241
Sheppard K, Olynyk A, Davoren GK, Hann BJ (2012) Summer diet analysis of the invasive rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) in Lake
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38 (3):66-71
Penton P, Davoren GK (2012) Physical characteristics of persistent deep-water spawning sites of capelin: importance for delimiting
critical marine habitats. Marine Biology Research 8: 778-783
Penton P, Davoren GK, Andrews D, Montevecchi WA (2012) A comparison of egg developmental and survival rates in capelin
(Mallotus villosus) on beach and demersal spawning sites in Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 248-256
Garthe S, Montevecchi WA, Davoren GK (2011) Inter-annual changes in prey fields trigger different foraging tactics in a large marine
predator. Limnology and Oceanography 56: 802–812
Regular P, Davoren GK, Hedd A, Montevecchi WA (2010). Crepuscular foraging by a pursuit-diving seabird: Tactics of common
murres in response to the diel vertical migration of capelin. Marine Ecology Progress Series 415: 295-304
Davoren GK, Garthe S, Montevecchi WA, Benvenuti S (2010) Influence of diel prey behaviour, prey type and whales on the foraging
activities of a marine avian predator in a Low Arctic ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series 404: 275–287
Gaston AJ, Bertram DF, Boyne AW, Chardine JW, Davoren GK, Diamon AW, Hedd A, Montevecchi WA, Hipfner JM, Lemon MJF,
Mallory MJ, Rail J-F, Robertson GJ (2009) Changes in Canadian seabird populations and ecology since 1970 in relation to changes
in oceanography and food webs. Environmental Reviews 17: 267-286
Elliott KH, Bull RD, Gaston AJ, Davoren GK (2009) Underwater and above-water search patterns of an Arctic seabird: reduced
searching at small spatiotemporal scales. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 1773-1785
Elliott KH, Woo K, Gaston AJ, Benvenuti S, Dall’Antonia L, Davoren GK (2009) Central-place foraging in an arctic seabird provides
evidence for Storer-Ashmole’s halo. Auk 126:613−625
Hedd A, Montevecchi WA, Davoren GK, Fifield DA (2009) Diets and distributions of Leach’s storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa)
before and after an ecosystem shift in the Northwest Atlantic. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:787-801
Montevecchi WA, Benvenuti S, Garthe S, Davoren GK, Fifield D (2009) Flexible foraging tactics by a large opportunistic seabird preying
on forage- and large pelagic fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 385: 295-306
Woo KJ, Elliott KH, Davidson M, Gaston AJ, Davoren GK (2008) Individual specialization in diet by a generalist marine predator reflects
specialization in foraging behaviour. Journal of Animal Ecology 77:1082-1091
Elliott KH, Jacobs SR, Ringrose J, Gaston AJ, Davoren GK (2008) Is mass loss in Brünnich Guillemots an adaptation for improved dive
performance or improve flight performance? Journal of Avian Biology 39:1-10
Elliott KH, Woo K, Gaston AJ, Benvenuti S, Dall’Antonia L, Davoren GK (2008) Seabird foraging behaviour indicates prey type. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 354: 289-303
Elliott KH, Davoren GK, Gaston AJ (2008) Time allocation by a deep-diving bird reflects prey type and energy gain. Animal Behavior
75: 1301-1310
Elliott KH, Davoren GK, Gaston AJ (2008) Increasing energy expenditure for a deep-diving bird alters time allocation during the dive
cycle. Animal Behavior 75: 1311-1317
Elliott KH, Gaston AJ, Davoren GK (2008) Bias in murre feeding watches. Journal of Field Ornithology 79: 298-307
Burger AE, Hitchcock CL, Stewart A, Davoren GK (2008) Coexistence and spatial distributions of Marbled Murrelets and other alcids off
southwest Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Auk 125:192-204
Penton P, Davoren GK (2008) Patterns of larval emergence of capelin (Mallotus villosus) and environmental cues at demersal
spawning sites on the northeastern coast of Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 1135-1143
Davoren GK, Buren A, Burke C, May C, Penton P, Record N, Rose-Taylor C, Andrews D, Reinfort B, Anderson JT, Bell T, deYoung B,
Garthe S, Koen-Alonso M, Montevecchi WA (2008) An ecosystem-based research program for capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the
Northwest Atlantic:overview and results. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 39: 35-48
Garthe S, Montevecchi WA, Davoren GK (2007) Flight destinations and foraging behaviour of northern gannets (Sula bassana) preying
on a small foraging fish in a Low Arctic ecosystem. Deep-Sea Research: Part II 54: 311-320
Elliott KH, Davoren GK, Gaston AJ (2007) Influence of drag and buoyancy on dive behaviour of an arctic seabird, the thick-billed
murre. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85:352-371
Davoren GK, Anderson JT, Montevecchi WA (2006) Shoal behaviour and maturity relations of spawning capelin (Mallotus villosus) off
Newfoundland: demersal spawning and diel vertical movement patterns. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:
Davoren GK, Montevecchi WA (2005) Did signals from seabirds indicate changes in capelin biology during the 1990s? A reply to
Carscadden (2004). Marine Ecology Progress Series 285:299-309
Burger AE, Hitchcock CL, Davoren GK (2004) Spatial aggregations of seabirds and their prey on the continental shelf off southwest
Vancouver Island. Marine Ecology Progress Series 283:279-292
Davoren GK, Montevecchi WA, Anderson JT (2004) The influence of fish behaviour on search strategies of common murres Uria
aalge in the Northwest Atlantic. Marine Ornithology 31:123-131
Davoren GK, Montevecchi WA, Anderson JT (2003) Search strategies of a pursuit-diving marine bird and the persistence of prey
patches. Ecological Monographs 73: 463-481
Davoren GK, Montevecchi WA, Anderson JT (2003) Distribution patterns of a marine bird and its prey: habitat selection based on prey
and conspecific behaviour. Marine Ecology Progress Series 256: 229-242
Davoren GK, Montevecchi WA (2003) Signals from seabirds indicate changing biology of capelin stocks. Marine Ecology Progress
Series 258: 253-261
Davoren GK, Montevecchi WA (2003) Consequences of foraging trip duration on provisioning behaviour and fledging condition of
common murres. Journal of Avian Biology 34: 44-53
Bertram DF, Golumbia T, Davoren GK, Harfenist A, Brown J (2003) Short visits reveal consistent patterns of interyear and intercolony
variation in seabird nestling diet and performance. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 2190-2199
Davoren GK, Montevecchi WA, Anderson JT (2002) Scale-dependent associations of predators and prey: constraints imposed by
flightlessness of common murres. Marine Ecology Progress Series 245: 259-272
Carscadden JE, Montevecchi WA, Davoren GK, Nakashima BS (2002) Trophic relationships among capelin (Mallotus villosus) and
marine birds in a changing ecosystem. ICES Journal of Marine Science 59: 1027-1033
Wiese FK, Montevecchi WA, Davoren GK, Huettmann F, Diamond AW, Linke J (2001) Seabirds at riskaround oil platforms in the
Northwest Atlantic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42: 1285-1290
Davoren GK (2000) Foraging variability in response to changing prey distribution in rhinoceros auklets. Marine Ecology Progress
Series 198: 283-291
Davoren GK, Burger AE (1999) Differences in prey selection and behavior during self-feeding and chick provisioning in rhinoceros
auklets. Animal Behavior 58: 853-863