New manuscript available!
We are very happy to announce that a journal article written by Ashley Tripp, a currently Ph.D. candidate in the Davoren Lab, has been published and is now available. Click on the link below before January 12th to be taken directly to the article where you can read and download it without having to sign up or pay any fees!
The article, titled ‘water strontium concentrations influence strontium concentrations in the pre-hatch otolith region of capelin (Mallotus villosus)’ was a collaboration with current M.Sc. student Scott Morrison and recent graduate Dr. Alison Loeppky. This work looked at the otolith concentrations of recently hatched capelin larvae that were incubated as eggs in various elevated treatments of strontium, barium, and strontium+barium. See below for the graphical abstract and the highlights for the main findings of the study.

· We assessed how water chemistry influences embryonic otolith chemistry of capelin
· Otolith strontium concentrations increased as water strontium levels increased
· Otolith barium concentrations did not vary with environmental enrichment
· Consistently high otolith barium levels suggest a different source than water
· Otolith strontium concentrations could be used to indicate natal origin of capelin